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Nested spin and empty spin

ReplyThanks 2016/09/29 07:06:02 0 0

Operating System:Windows 10

Operating System Bit:64bit

Software Version:9.1.0


Nested spin doesn't show up in Preview window.



it keeps repeating dog and cat but never shows doggie or kitty

Also "insert blank" doesn't function properly.

If I enter the above example and select the whole expression with the braces then try to add an empty spin SC just removes the nested spin.

An empty spin should look like:


Instead it looks like:


2016/09/29 22:27:50
Wait minute, i will contact you later.
2017/03/02 11:23:07

I'm still waiting and the the preview window still not showing properly the spins.

Same with the insert blank function. It doesn't work.

2017/03/06 12:25:09
Please send your spin article and the screenshot of your task settings to us. We will test it on our side. Many thanks

2017/03/06 13:21:21



When I hit the "Insert blank" button it removes the nested spins:



2017/03/06 13:57:21

Hi we have tested the aticle: {dog|{{doggie|kitty}|cat}}. It still can get the doggie or kitty.

For the "Insert blank" button, we have tested it too. Seems there is a little bug for it, but we have added it to our work list, and we will fix it asap.

Btw, please do not post the same content twice next time.

2017/04/21 01:41:16
any updates on the blank spin?
2017/04/21 11:51:26

So sorry for the late reply. The programmer is fixing other bugs, but i already added this bug to our work list. please wait for the update. Thanks.

I already informed them to be hurry. So sorry for the inconvenience.

2017/04/25 16:01:01
Hi makiav, we will update the blank spin on SpinnerChief 5. And will release it in next week. Please wait for the news.
Josie Moris
2023/06/25 23:09:22

It seems that the tool or software you're using removes the nested spin when you try to insert a blank spin. This could be a limitation or a bug in the tool's implementation. To work around this issue, you can try using a placeholder value instead of an empty spin. For example, you can use a placeholder like "BLANK" or any other unique word that you can easily find and replace later.


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